COVID-19 Public Opinion Research

What Canadians are feeling, thinking, and doing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Individual Journeys

Government Response

Business Impacts

Public Health Impacts


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Business Impacts


Public Health Impacts




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Our COVID-19 Research

At INNOVATIVE we have been conducting in-depth research since March on how the COVID-19 pandemic has been impacting Canadians; their views of the government response; and the implications for businesses, public health agencies, and more.

Below you can navigate through all of our COVID-19 research to date. Use the sidebar to filter by specific categories, and review summaries of key indicators from each category.

Latest articles

March 5, 2021

Federal government COVID approval down 10 points since Christmas, Alberta shows small reversal in slide

New tracking from an INNOVATIVE online poll of 3,763 Canadians shows the federal government appears to be paying a significant price for controversies over access to […]
March 5, 2021

COVID-19 fears ease as fatigue grows

As the COVID-19 pandemic approaches its first birthday, a new INNOVATIVE online poll of 3,763 Canadians shows fears of COVID-19 starting to ease as fatigue grows. […]
February 23, 2021

COVID-19 vaccine resistance growing among younger Canadians

A new Innovative Research Group Inc. (INNOVATIVE) poll finds more Canadians report being unlikely to get vaccinated against COVID-19 today than in May 2020. Resistance is […]
February 5, 2021

Canadian Governments are losing ground on pandemic approval

Canadian Governments are losing ground on pandemic approval.   Approval of the federal government’s handling of the pandemic is down to only 50%, the lowest point […]
February 5, 2021

Canadian social behaviours stable as fatigue rises

Canadian social behaviours stable as fatigue rises. While there has been speculation about rising levels of COVID-19 fatigue among Canadians since last spring, INNOVATIVE’s tracking has […]
January 22, 2021

Canadians Begin New Year With Significant Reduction in Social Contacts

With the holiday season behind them, Canadians reduced their indoor visits with friends and family by a third and reduced non-essential shopping. Today Innovative Research Group […]

Individual Journeys

Is COVID having an impact on Canadians in their daily life? Are they paying attention? Are they alarmed? Are they more anxious? Has COVID changed us in terms of our mental health and wellbeing?

Those are the questions we pursue in this topic.

Key indicator: Concern


Latest articles

Government Response

How do Canadian’s feel about their government’s during COVID-19? How well are governments responding to COVID-19? Are governments finding the right balance on restrictions? What do people expect of governments and what should their priorities be? Do governments have a plan and, if so, is it good or bad? Is how governments respond to COVID-19 making a difference politically?

This section looks at both the direct pressures on governments and the broader implications.

Key indicator: Approval


Latest articles

May 19, 2020

Majority once again believe that pandemics are a critical threat to Canada’s future, more than for any other threat

More than half (56%) of Canadians say that pandemics like COVID-19 are a critical threat to the future of Canada – more than for any other […]
May 8, 2020

Canadians still believe it is too soon to lift restrictions, although intensity has dropped since April

Two-thirds of Canadians still believe it is too soon to start lifting restrictions. However, the number who say it is “Far too soon” has dropped from […]
April 23, 2020

Canadians continue to give strong support to both federal and provincial government’s handling of COVID-19

Canadians continue to give strong support to their governments. At 66%, provincial governments enjoy the highest levels of approval for their COVID-19 response, with the federal […]
April 3, 2020

Health issues continue to dominate, job concerns grow and affordability and environment ebb

Today INNOVATIVE has released highlights from the third wave of our COVID-19 polling. The survey of 2,059 Canadians was conducted from March 31st to April 2nd. […]
March 26, 2020

Majority of Canadians report drastically changing their behaviour in response to COVID-19, but many still socializing against advice

Today, INNOVATIVE is releasing key highlights from the second survey in our ongoing project to understand public opinion as the COVID-19 situation evolves in Canada. This […]
March 20, 2020

A third of Canadians report little or no change in daily behaviour, young people least likely to have changed daily behaviour

Canadians approve of government response to COVID-19 but one third report making little or no change in their day-to-day behaviour. Today INNOVATIVE is releasing a new […]

Business Impacts

How is COVID-19 changing the environment for business? How do Canadians perceive the economy and their own financial situation? Is COVID-19 impacting purchase intentions? How do Canadians feel about the way different sectors are responding to COVID-19?

This is where we help business understand the new realities they are facing.

Key indicator: Confidence


Latest articles

Public Health Impacts

Are Canadians willing to do the things Public Health leaders ask of them? How active are Canadians socially? Are Canadians taking precautions when they leave the house? Who is being responsible and who is taking chances? Will Canadians take the vaccine when it is available?

This is where we try to understand the behavior of Canadians and what can be done about it.

Key indicator: Behaviour


For this tracking, we ask respondents how often they engaged in a list of behaviours in the past week. The behaviours are categorized as follows:

  • Least risky: Made a trip to a grocery store or a drug store
  • Modestly risky: Made a trip to a store other than a grocery store or a drug store; met up with a relative or friend outdoors; met up with a small group outdoors
  • Moderately risky: Visited a relative or friend in their home; Hosted a relative or friend in my own home
  • More risky: Gathered with a small group inside a home
  • Most risky: Attended a large gathering of about 50 people or more

The chart indicates the percentage of Canadians who reported engaging in at least one behaviour in that category at least once in the past week.

Latest articles

About this research

It is rare to have an event that has the far-reaching impacts of COVID-19. There are the direct health and economic threats. COVID-19 impacts how we live and how we feel. It is changing how we work, shop, study and play. There are implications for government and business.

With such a far-reaching event, no one survey allows us to explore the full range of consequences. Starting in March, INNOVATIVE began a project to track key questions on an ongoing basis. We have also taken a deep dive into many specific topics along the way. As of mid-November, INNOVATIVE has looked at COVID-19 in part or all of 17 surveys. So much information can be difficult to navigate.

With that in mind we have created this landing page to curate all the results and analysis we provide on how Canadians think, feel and act related to COVID-19. The main page lists all the posts we have created to date. However, if you have a more narrow focus, you can select the government, business, public health or personal journey icons on the left hand side of the page.

The surveys for this project are online surveys. Most waves are part of INNOVATIVE’s monthly Canada This Month study, but some are standalone surveys dedicated to COVID-19. Each report includes detailed methodologies for the studies the report is based on.

If there is a topic you are interested in but cannot find, please feel free to email us at and we will consider investigating it in future waves.

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