Public Affairs Research

July 26, 2011

Liberal grassroots energized, but top Grits say no decision on an election, yet

The Hill Times But Grits could have own problems as RCMP sets sights on Liberal Party hierarchy too. After a long spell of hopelessness about their […]
July 26, 2011

Campbell’s about-faces on key issues a gamble that seems to be paying off

The Globe and Mail Political flip-flops are usually interpreted as a sign of weakness – at best. Think of Pierre Trudeau’s promise never to impose wage […]
July 26, 2011

Day 1 of BC’s tax revs up political pressure

The Globe and Mail The price of gasoline shot to $1.50 a litre in Vancouver on Tuesday as British Columbians became the first Canadians to deal […]
July 26, 2011

War of words over trade barriers

Edmonton Sun A meeting code-named Quadrant took place 65 years ago in the Chateau Frontenac – the very same hotel the Council of the Federation gab […]
July 26, 2011

A surreal spectacle in Quebec

Edmonton Sun For three solid days the surreal jawing went on. Hogging the microphones at the Council of the Federation meeting here are the Four Horsemen […]
July 26, 2011

Close race in Guelph shaping up as a tough test of Dion’s Green Shift plan

The Hill Times A strong NDP candidate and a divided green vote could hurt the Liberals in the riding, says pollster Stéphane Dion’s risky Green Shift […]
July 26, 2011

Slump in U.S. housing market helps drag B.C. economy to new low

The Globe and Mail British Columbia’s economy is sputtering as the U.S. housing crisis continues to undermine exports, driving down growth this year to its lowest […]
July 26, 2011

Hugging our heritage while cutting our culture

The Globe and Mail In the past week, Canadians have learned of a federal government initiative to search for the remains of Arctic explorer Sir John […]
July 26, 2011

Taking a tactical cue from the Republicans

The Globe and Mail Armchair politicians who are perplexed by why the federal Tories sometimes play up divisive social conservative issues such as opposition to same-sex […]