Public Affairs Research

July 28, 2011

New poll finds that dangerous drivers and traffic congestion are seen as major problems, according to BC drivers

BC Automobile Association (BCAA) | INNOVATIVE Poll According to a new survey of drivers in British Columbia, the most important issues related to driving are dangerous […]
July 28, 2011

New poll finds that 51% say private care OK

Coalition of Family Physicians of Ontario | INNOVATIVE Poll Just over half of Canadians believe they should have the right to buy private health care if […]
July 28, 2011

New poll finds majority of Canadians support Afghanistan mission

Ottawa Citizen | CDFAI-INNOVATIVE Poll Three-in-five (61%) agree that Canadian troops are providing critical support to Afghans and are working to build a peaceful and democratic […]
July 28, 2011

New poll finds that higher levels of perceived personal threat of terrorism increases support for national security over civil liberties

Ottawa Citizen | CDFAI-INNOVATIVE Poll A slight majority of Canadians agree (52%) that if we lower our protection of civil rights when dealing with accused terrorists, […]
July 28, 2011

Major concerns about climate change, social inequality and terrorism foreseen for the year 2020 Three-quarters believe global warming will be greatest crisis facing mankind

Dominion Institute | Canada in 2020 | INNOVATIVE Poll Despite an overall rosy view of the future of Canada, there are some downsides. Just under three-in-four […]
July 28, 2011

After Iran, Canadians see Israel as biggest threat to peace

Ottawa Citizen | CDFAI-INNOVATIVE Poll A new poll, sponsored by the Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs Institute, finds that Iran is the biggest threat to world […]
July 28, 2011

Canadians more concerned about home grown terrorists than foreign terrorists

CDFAI | INNOVATIVE Poll Unlike with 9/11, however, Canadians believe the greatest threat comes from homegrown terrorists as in London and Madrid and not with foreign […]
July 28, 2011

Majority believe they are more at risk of a terrorist attack now then right after September 11, 2001

CDFAI | INNOVATIVE Poll Five years after the attack on the World Trade Centre, a Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs Institute survey conducted by Innovative Research […]
July 28, 2011

Annual Remembrance Day Poll: Canadians losing touch with military history

Dominion Institute | INNOVATIVE Poll Just one day before Canadians pause to remember those who fought for freedom, a new INNOVATIVE poll commissioned by the Dominion […]