
November 4, 2016

DEPLORABLE? Infographic: Canada vs. USA Non-Traditional Value Scores

We measured some non-traditional political metrics like attitudes towards race, authoritarianism, and cultural alienation. Click here for our full report. Click here for our full report.
November 4, 2016

DEPLORABLE: Full report and slides

To download our full report, including a deck of 50 slides and a separate analysis document, please fill out the form below:
November 1, 2016

SERIES: Deplorable?

This year’s US Presidential election has alarmed many observers.  Donald Trump has broken the mold of traditional Presidential candidates by raising topics or positions that are […]
September 28, 2016

Volatility Ahead: Ontario Liberals Down But Not Out

If the election were held today, more Ontarians would vote for the Ontario PC’s than any other party. However, when we dig into the leadership numbers, […]
September 28, 2016

Energized Voters: Ontarians expect more but expect system savings to pay the price

To download the full results, fill out the form at the bottom of the page. Energy prices are a burning issue in Ontario. Innovative Research Group […]
September 28, 2016

DOWNLOAD: Ontario This Month – September 2016 – Energy

Click here to download the Ontario This Month – September 2016 – Energy Findings PDF.
September 28, 2016

DOWNLOAD: Ontario This Month – September 2016 – Political Findings

Click here to download the Ontario This Month – September 2016 – Political Findings PDF.
August 18, 2016

BC Poll Commentary

Innovative Research Group Inc. On May 9th, 2017, BC’s political parties have a date with destiny. As that date approaches over the next 9 months, INNOVATIVE […]
May 3, 2016

Environmental Policy: Will Canadians Pay for their Good Intentions

At both the federal and provincial levels in Canada, environmental policy is going through a major shift.