Max Wood

June 17, 2021

Indigenous Issues: This time looks different!

An online INNOVATIVE survey of 1,034 Canadians released today suggests that the discovery of 215 graves at the site of the former Kamloops Residential school may […]
June 4, 2021

Strong Liberal Lead Limited by Close Race in Quebec

A new online poll by INNOVATIVE of 2,579 Canadians conducted from May 7th to May 31st, 2021, shows the federal Liberals continue to lead on vote […]
May 28, 2021

Direct Experience with COVID-19 as an Illness Remains Limited as Memories of Economic Impacts Fade

Most Canadians remain untouched by the direct health impacts of COVID-19 while memories of earlier economic impacts are fading. These are the findings of a new […]
May 28, 2021

Local health providers, hospitals, and friends and family, will be key to influence vaccine hesitant and resisters

When it comes to connecting with people who remain hesitant or resistant to getting vaccinated, government leaders will need to make way for local health providers […]
May 28, 2021

Young People Closing the Gap with Older Canadians in Willingness to be Vaccinated

The share of Canadians willing to be vaccinated grew from 69% at the end of April saying they would definitely get vaccinated or reporting they are […]
May 28, 2021

Fear of COVID Falls Dramatically

Today, INNOVATIVE is releasing results from a new online survey conducted from May 18th to May 26th, 2021, with a weighted sample size of 2,000 Canadian […]
May 28, 2021

Taking Stock of the Pandemic’s Impact on Wellbeing

There is no simple answer to the question “How has the pandemic impacted Canadians’ sense of wellbeing?”. From the beginning of the pandemic, direct measures show […]
May 18, 2021

Have the Progressive Conservatives Stopped the Bleeding?

INNOVATIVE’s Greg Lyle joins Steve Paikin and John Michael McGrath on the #ONPOLI Podcast. At the 21 minute mark is the discussion on what Ontarian’s are […]
May 14, 2021

Stars Aligning for Federal Liberals?

A new online poll by INNOVATIVE of 2,738 eligible voters conducted from April 22 to May 5, 2021 shows the stars may be aligning for the […]