Public Affairs Research

What does the public think and feel about the issues of the day?

Every week, INNOVATIVE researchers explore basic public opinion questions:

  • What are the key issues the public is talking about?
  • How are they reacting to breaking issues?
  • What are the public’s expectations of government?

INNOVATIVE consultants come both from the practical world of campaigns and issues management and the academic world of political science. Combining our experience managing campaigns and issues across Canada with latest insights from the academic world gives us an edge. That’s how we help our clients understand what the public really thinks about an issue, and how they are likely to react when new information is presented, or passions are inflamed.

Latest Articles on Public Affairs & Opinion Research:

June 15, 2018

Ontario Energy Network Presentation – June 15th, 2018

  Energy in Transition A presentation by Greg Lyle at the Ontario Energy Network Luncheon on June 15th, 2018. To access the full presentation please fill […]
June 15, 2018

DOWNLOAD: Ontario Energy Network Presentation

Part 1: Click here to download [Includes: The 2018 Campaigns and Connecting Energy & Politics] Part 2: Click here to download [Includes: Does the Public Act […]
May 30, 2018

What do the Phones Say?

A new Innovative Research Group (INNOVATIVE) telephone survey shows the NDP leading in the Ontario election with 37% of the decided vote followed closely by the […]
May 30, 2018

DOWNLOAD: What do the Phones Say?

Click here to download   For further information on these analyses or to explore how our segmentation analysis can help you tackle your pressing public or […]
May 29, 2018

Election Tracking Wave 4: The NDP Move Ahead

The NDP has moved ahead of the PCs for the first time in Innovative Research Group Inc.’s (INNOVATIVE) 2018 Ontario election tracking.  More significantly, the NDP […]
May 29, 2018

DOWNLOAD: Election Tracking Wave 4: The NDP Move Ahead

Click here to download part 1 [Provincial vote and ID, issue salience, party leaders, party images and, alienation segmentation] Click here to download part 2 [Value […]
May 28, 2018

Backgrounder: Talking Federal Horserace Numbers

Today, Innovative Research Group Inc.(INNOVATIVE) is releasing the federal political results from both an online and a telephone poll conducted a month ago. As we become […]
May 24, 2018

Weekend Poll Shows PCs Still Ahead but the Underlying Numbers are Moving Against the PCs and for the NDP

An online survey of 1,074 adult Ontarians conducted from May 18th to May 23rd, 2018 shows the PCs with 36% of the vote, the NDP at […]

Latest Articles on Public Affairs & Opinion Research:

June 15, 2018

Ontario Energy Network Presentation – June 15th, 2018

  Energy in Transition A presentation by Greg Lyle at the Ontario Energy Network Luncheon on June 15th, 2018. To access the full presentation please fill […]
June 15, 2018

DOWNLOAD: Ontario Energy Network Presentation

Part 1: Click here to download [Includes: The 2018 Campaigns and Connecting Energy & Politics] Part 2: Click here to download [Includes: Does the Public Act […]
May 30, 2018

What do the Phones Say?

A new Innovative Research Group (INNOVATIVE) telephone survey shows the NDP leading in the Ontario election with 37% of the decided vote followed closely by the […]
May 30, 2018

DOWNLOAD: What do the Phones Say?

Click here to download   For further information on these analyses or to explore how our segmentation analysis can help you tackle your pressing public or […]
May 29, 2018

Election Tracking Wave 4: The NDP Move Ahead

The NDP has moved ahead of the PCs for the first time in Innovative Research Group Inc.’s (INNOVATIVE) 2018 Ontario election tracking.  More significantly, the NDP […]
May 29, 2018

DOWNLOAD: Election Tracking Wave 4: The NDP Move Ahead

Click here to download part 1 [Provincial vote and ID, issue salience, party leaders, party images and, alienation segmentation] Click here to download part 2 [Value […]
May 28, 2018

Backgrounder: Talking Federal Horserace Numbers

Today, Innovative Research Group Inc.(INNOVATIVE) is releasing the federal political results from both an online and a telephone poll conducted a month ago. As we become […]
May 24, 2018

Weekend Poll Shows PCs Still Ahead but the Underlying Numbers are Moving Against the PCs and for the NDP

An online survey of 1,074 adult Ontarians conducted from May 18th to May 23rd, 2018 shows the PCs with 36% of the vote, the NDP at […]