Public Affairs Research

July 26, 2011

How to handle the economic crisis How should campaigning Canadian leaders handle the U.S. economic crisis?

The Globe and Mail While a hard news event such as an economic crisis creates uncertainty for all parties, the Conservatives are the likely beneficiaries of […]
July 26, 2011

THE STRATEGISTS: What does Stéphane Dion need to do to win this week’s debates?

The Globe and Mail “Dion’s challenge in these debates is to remind all those people who do not want to see a Stephen Harper government that […]
July 26, 2011

The National Post’s series on the resonant issues and interesting races in regions across the country focuses today on suburban Vancouver.

The National Post “You look at West Vancouver, where we lost by under 1,000 votes, look at the North Island, where we lost by a similar […]
July 26, 2011

French-language debate breakdown

The Globe and Mail How did the leaders fare in achieving their objectives in the French-language debate?  What mattered in the debate was not just what […]
July 26, 2011

Who won, and what now? How did the leaders fare in the English-language debate?

Tonight’s debate gave every party something to celebrate, but for me it was more about missed opportunities. 0a.pdf
July 26, 2011

Prime Minister Harper visits mostly unheld ridings in bid to win power Stephen Harper’s tour is ‘effectively a marketing vehicle’ for the party’s local candidates.

The Hill Times Prime Minister Stephen Harper has visited approximately 36 federal ridings over the last four weeks of the election campaign, but only three held […]
July 26, 2011

Parties get sophisticated in bid for immigrant vote

The Globe and Mail For the first time in a federal election, three of Canada’s five main political parties are using a sophisticated new micro-targeting voter-profile […]
July 26, 2011

In light of current economic circumstances and their recent slide in the polls, did the Conservatives take the right approach with their platform release on Tuesday?

The Globe and Mail I think the Tories missed the mark on Tuesday.It seems to me that the average Canadian is hearing the Conservatives urge them […]
July 26, 2011

How can Dion build on his momentum? With Conservative stumbles having helped put the Liberals back in the race, how can Stephane Dion build on the momentum in the federal election campaign’s final days?

The Globe and Mail Stephane Dion and the Liberals have a simple task in front of them: rallying their base. The Liberal party retains a strong […]