Public Affairs Research

July 27, 2011

Battleground B.C. – The latest research and analysis on the federal campaign

Presented by Greg Lyle, Managing Director, Innovative Research Group at the Vancouver Board of Trade 0a.pdf
July 27, 2011

Toronto Board of Trade | Maclean’s | INNOVATIVE So what now?

How are the Conservatives doing so far?  What are the big landmines awaiting the Conservative government next?  Is Harper still “scary” in the eyes of our electorate […]
July 27, 2011

Neck and neck race in New Brunswick

With just days to go before the September 18th election, an INNOVATIVE telephone poll of 800 New Brunswick voters shows the Liberals with a marginal 2 […]
July 27, 2011

Countdown to the 2007 Ontario Provincial Election

With just a year to go Ontario’s first scheduled provincial election campaign, INNOVATIVE surveyed 1619 Ontario respondents of the Canada 20/20 panel to get their assessment […]
July 27, 2011

New Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) study reveals gaps in investor knowledge, attitude and behaviours

Canadian Securities Administrators | INNOVATIVE Study Montreal – Canadians understand the importance of being informed investors, according to a new study commissioned by the CSA. However, […]
July 27, 2011

Ownership worries as mergers increase

Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators | INNOVATIVE Study As the mergers and acquisitions market continues to boom, Canadians are expressing concern about the level of […]
July 27, 2011

Canadian attitudes towards competitiveness and productivity

INNOVATIVE’s Agenda for Canadian Prosperity Survey INNOVATIVE provided new polling results today on Canadian attitudes towards competitiveness and productivity at the Canada’s Prosperity Challenge Conference in Toronto, hosted […]
July 26, 2011

Vancouver Island through the eyes of Canadians

INNOVATIVE Poll In a survey conducted for the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance Summit, INNOVATIVE interviewed over 3000 Canadians about their perceptions regarding Vancouver Island as a […]
July 26, 2011

Flaherty’s strategy: shape Liberals as poor managers of economy

The Globe and Mail Tories are building up economic management as a wedge issue. Flaherty’s attacks on McGuinty fall into the long-term strategy.  Conservative insiders say […]