
July 26, 2011

Political parties to focus on crucial ‘swing ridings’ in economic downturn campaign bid

The Hill Times Conservatives and Liberals to focus on 71 ridings where the margin of victory was 10 per cent or less in last election. The […]
July 26, 2011

Marzolini tells Grits 46% want either a Liberal minority or majority But pollster Greg Lyle says Tories and Liberals still have not sealed their base.

The Hill Times Liberal Party pollster Michael Marzolini told the Grits at last week’s national summer retreat in Sudbury, Ont., that a total of 46 per […]
July 26, 2011

Tories to stoke fear of opposition coalition.

The Globe and Mail Stephen Harper’s Conservatives have decided their election strategy will rely in part on reviving the ghosts of last December. The fleeting, four-day […]
July 26, 2011

Fired OLG head sues Ontario government

The Ottawa Citizen The former head of Ontario’s troubled lottery corporation struck back at the Liberal government Friday, launching a lawsuit over her firing last month. […]
July 26, 2011

Unsettled waters ahead for McGuinty

The Ottawa Citizen After cruising to successive, historic majorities, Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty returns to the legislature today with his back against the ropes, fighting off […]
July 26, 2011

Politics Panel

BNN SqueezePlay BNN speaks to Greg Lyle, managing director, Innovative Research Group, and Charles Bird, principal, Earnscliffe Strategy Group. The controversies hampering Ontario’s eHealth program are […]
July 26, 2011

Wildrose Alliance has heady advice for B.C. Tories

The Globe and Mail Memo from Danielle Smith, rookie leader of Alberta’s Wildrose Alliance Party, to B.C. Conservatives: Run a vigorous, open race to elect your […]
July 26, 2011

Donolo’s challenge: stop the Liberals’ ugly slide

The Globe and Mail Party insiders are calling for new chief of staff to craft a solid message about what the Grits stand for  Two months […]
July 25, 2011

Tories take two in by-elections

The Globe and Mail Stephen Harper’s Conservatives pulled off an amazing political upset in federal by-elections Monday night, stealing a rural Quebec stronghold seat from the […]