
July 28, 2011

Canada Day Poll: The Happiest Canadian

Macleans | INNOVATIVE Poll Look in the mirror, fellow Canadians. Wink. Give a little wave. Blow a kiss. Odds are you like what you see. Oh, […]
July 28, 2011

Some 75% say Tories should drop the ‘Canada’s New Government’ title: poll

The Hill Times |INNOVATIVE Poll Innovative Research Group poll also found 56% think the PM is a micro-manager and 26% like his take-charge style.  The Harper […]
July 28, 2011

Harper’s Cabinet shuffle plays well in Quebec, says new poll

The Hill Times |INNOVATIVE Poll Of all the moves, Chuck Strahl’s jump into indian and northern affairs is seen least favourably by the public. The Conservatives […]
July 28, 2011

Most Canadians have poor view of Chinese Products

Embassy |INNOVATIVE Poll A recent poll conducted for Embassy shows 75 per cent of Canadians are not impressed with Chinese made products. Almost half say the […]
July 28, 2011

Vancouver city strike tracking

INNOVATIVE Poll Innovative Research Group has followed public opinion during the long, smelly summer labour dispute in Vancouver. Over the course of five weeks of tracking, […]
July 28, 2011

Tracking Vancouver city strike

INNOVATIVE Poll These are the latest polling trends from Innovative Research Group, which has been tracking opinions during the strike, now in its seventh week:The public […]
July 28, 2011

They’re at the post!

Public Affairs Association of Canada | INNOVATIVE Poll Innovative Research Group’s presentation to the Public Affairs Association of Canada breakfast on the first day of the […]
July 28, 2011

2007 CSA Investor Study:Understanding the Social Impact of Investment Fraud It’s About Trust

Canadian Securities Administrator|INNOVATIVE Poll The Canadian Securities Administrators engaged Innovative Research Group to explore the impact of investor fraud beyond the financial loss endured by victims. […]
July 28, 2011

Executive Insight Series: Corporate Reputation What is corporate reputation and how does it matter?

Canadian Investor Relations Institute This study assesses the impact of corporate reputation on various stakeholder groups. Over 5,000 Canadians were asked to evaluate 60 Canadian companies […]