
October 16, 2015

Politics This Morning Election 2015: Leaders head into homestretch before polls open

The Hill Times According to a new poll by Innovative Research Group, the Liberals are leading with 38 per cent of decided voters. The Conservatives hold […]
October 16, 2015

Canada’s Liberals Gain Edge as Vote Near

The Wall Street Journal “The fact that there he was, delivering a message calmly and confidently to the camera with Parliament behind him, made him look […]
October 14, 2015

Analysis shows Conservative support weak in densely populated ridings

The Globe and Mail Pollster Greg Lyle agreed that the rural-urban divide was not always so marked. “Those patterns didn’t used to be as strong.” In […]
October 13, 2015

Canada’s Liberal party within reach of election win going into final stretch

The Guardian Greg Lyle, a pollster at Innovative Research, said the traditionally centrist party successfully tapped into many of the voters that had abandoned them over […]
October 13, 2015

Rival ads pose threat to Liberal momentum, survey shows

The Globe and Mail An ongoing series of surveys by Innovative Research Group, gauging voters’ reactions to parties’ advertising during the campaign, has found many of […]
October 9, 2015

Conservative, NDP hopes dim as Liberals dare to dream

The Hill Times A daring strategy, a strong performance by their leader and some of the best political advertising in recent history have placed the Liberal […]
October 9, 2015

What Does $1 Million Buy in an Election?

The Tyee In an email last week, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau asked for a million dollars.   As with countless other fundraising emails, he told supporters […]
October 8, 2015

Quebec remains competitive race for Bloc, NDP, Liberals: Innovative Research pollster Lyle

The Hill Times There is still opportunity for voter intention changes in Quebec, even though the front running NDP are losing ground, says Innovative Research Group […]
October 8, 2015

Battle for undecided voters heating up Time-for-a-change Tory?

North Shore News One group of undecideds is truly ambivalent and probably doesn’t care much about politics, said Greg Lyle, a pollster and political strategist with […]