Public Affairs Research

What does the public think and feel about the issues of the day?

Every week, INNOVATIVE researchers explore basic public opinion questions:

  • What are the key issues the public is talking about?
  • How are they reacting to breaking issues?
  • What are the public’s expectations of government?

INNOVATIVE consultants come both from the practical world of campaigns and issues management and the academic world of political science. Combining our experience managing campaigns and issues across Canada with latest insights from the academic world gives us an edge. That’s how we help our clients understand what the public really thinks about an issue, and how they are likely to react when new information is presented, or passions are inflamed.

Latest Articles on Public Affairs & Opinion Research:

February 15, 2024

Tide Turning Against the Federal Liberal Electrification Agenda

With growing concerns about affordability, standard of living and health care, Canadians are increasingly unwilling to pay more to advance electrification as part of the energy […]
December 21, 2023

Conservative Ads Successfully Deliver a Message of Hope

A new online ad testing poll by INNOVATIVE, which was recently featured on Global News, shows the Conservative Party’s ads are working in convincing Canadians that […]
December 15, 2023

Deep Dive Shows Party and Leader Brands Evolving in Step with Voter Sentiment

In the ever-evolving landscape of Canadian politics, the latest polling from INNOVATIVE reveals a nuanced perspective beneath the political pendulum swinging in favor of the Conservatives […]
December 13, 2023

Not So Urban Issues: A Closer Look at Housing, Crime, and Homelessness

As we approach the end of 2023, INNOVATIVE is releasing several important polls conducted earlier this year but not yet released publicly. Housing, crime, and homelessness […]
December 8, 2023

Weakening Support for the Carbon Tax Amid Exemptions for Some

A new poll by INNOVATIVE shows Canadians’ declining support for the carbon tax amid the Federal government’s temporary exemption on home heating oil, primarily impacting the […]
December 1, 2023

Six Months That Shook the Liberals’ World

Earlier this week, The Hill Times released a report based on INNOVATIVE’s latest study, examining changes in federal vote distributions across 11 seat clusters with similar […]
November 10, 2023

Saying ‘Sorry’ is Working So Far for Ford on the Greenbelt Controversy

How often will voters forgive politicians for a big mistake? Doug Ford is putting that to the test. In April 2021, Doug Ford apologized for the […]
August 24, 2023

Connecting with a Busy Customer: The Art of Communicating Complex Regulation

Today, INNOVATIVE’s President Greg Lyle participated in a panel on communicating complex issues at the World Forum on Energy Regulation.  Below is a link to a […]

Latest Articles on Public Affairs & Opinion Research:

February 15, 2024

Tide Turning Against the Federal Liberal Electrification Agenda

With growing concerns about affordability, standard of living and health care, Canadians are increasingly unwilling to pay more to advance electrification as part of the energy […]
December 21, 2023

Conservative Ads Successfully Deliver a Message of Hope

A new online ad testing poll by INNOVATIVE, which was recently featured on Global News, shows the Conservative Party’s ads are working in convincing Canadians that […]
December 15, 2023

Deep Dive Shows Party and Leader Brands Evolving in Step with Voter Sentiment

In the ever-evolving landscape of Canadian politics, the latest polling from INNOVATIVE reveals a nuanced perspective beneath the political pendulum swinging in favor of the Conservatives […]
December 13, 2023

Not So Urban Issues: A Closer Look at Housing, Crime, and Homelessness

As we approach the end of 2023, INNOVATIVE is releasing several important polls conducted earlier this year but not yet released publicly. Housing, crime, and homelessness […]
December 8, 2023

Weakening Support for the Carbon Tax Amid Exemptions for Some

A new poll by INNOVATIVE shows Canadians’ declining support for the carbon tax amid the Federal government’s temporary exemption on home heating oil, primarily impacting the […]
December 1, 2023

Six Months That Shook the Liberals’ World

Earlier this week, The Hill Times released a report based on INNOVATIVE’s latest study, examining changes in federal vote distributions across 11 seat clusters with similar […]
November 10, 2023

Saying ‘Sorry’ is Working So Far for Ford on the Greenbelt Controversy

How often will voters forgive politicians for a big mistake? Doug Ford is putting that to the test. In April 2021, Doug Ford apologized for the […]
August 24, 2023

Connecting with a Busy Customer: The Art of Communicating Complex Regulation

Today, INNOVATIVE’s President Greg Lyle participated in a panel on communicating complex issues at the World Forum on Energy Regulation.  Below is a link to a […]