Public Affairs Research

What does the public think and feel about the issues of the day?

Every week, INNOVATIVE researchers explore basic public opinion questions:

  • What are the key issues the public is talking about?
  • How are they reacting to breaking issues?
  • What are the public’s expectations of government?

INNOVATIVE consultants come both from the practical world of campaigns and issues management and the academic world of political science. Combining our experience managing campaigns and issues across Canada with latest insights from the academic world gives us an edge. That’s how we help our clients understand what the public really thinks about an issue, and how they are likely to react when new information is presented, or passions are inflamed.

Latest Articles on Public Affairs & Opinion Research:

May 10, 2022

Tories Winning Race Against the Clock in Ontario Election

The PCs continue to maintain a significant lead over the Liberals while the race for second gets tighter. These findings come from INNOVATIVE’s latest online survey […]
May 6, 2022

Ontario PCs Have Strongest Brand Loyalty of the Three Major Parties, NDP Have Distinct Brand Personality

The Progressive Conservatives have the strongest brand loyalty, with the largest group of dedicated voters among Ontario’s three major parties. The Liberals have weaker brand loyalty […]
May 5, 2022

Ford Seen as Best Option for Premier, More Competent and Caring than his Challengers

Premier and Progressive Conservative leader Doug Ford begins the Ontario election campaign ahead of NDP leader Andrea Horwath and Liberal leader Steven Del Duca on a […]
May 4, 2022

PCs Begin Campaign with a 9-point Lead

Ontario Liberals seen as best option to defeat Tories The Ontario Progressive Conservatives open the 2022 provincial election with a healthy and potentially widening lead over […]
February 25, 2022

Canadians Say COVID is Over for Now but Not Necessarily Forever

Canadians believe it is time for a lull in COVID restrictions, but see a real risk of future waves. These findings are from the latest waves […]
February 16, 2022

Comparing Public Reactions to Truckers Convoy and the Coastal Link Protest Show Surface Similarities but Deep Underlying Differences

Canadians view protests through strongly partisan lenses. In March 2020, INNOVATIVE asked 1,200 Canadians how they felt about the protests held across Canada against a natural […]
February 16, 2022

Opposition and Attention Increase as More Canadians are Paying Attention to the “Trucker” Protest

Polling last weekend shows opposition and attention to the protests continuing to increase as the demonstrations escalated into their third week. These findings are from the […]

Latest Articles on Public Affairs & Opinion Research:

May 10, 2022

Tories Winning Race Against the Clock in Ontario Election

The PCs continue to maintain a significant lead over the Liberals while the race for second gets tighter. These findings come from INNOVATIVE’s latest online survey […]
May 6, 2022

Ontario PCs Have Strongest Brand Loyalty of the Three Major Parties, NDP Have Distinct Brand Personality

The Progressive Conservatives have the strongest brand loyalty, with the largest group of dedicated voters among Ontario’s three major parties. The Liberals have weaker brand loyalty […]
May 5, 2022

Ford Seen as Best Option for Premier, More Competent and Caring than his Challengers

Premier and Progressive Conservative leader Doug Ford begins the Ontario election campaign ahead of NDP leader Andrea Horwath and Liberal leader Steven Del Duca on a […]
May 4, 2022

PCs Begin Campaign with a 9-point Lead

Ontario Liberals seen as best option to defeat Tories The Ontario Progressive Conservatives open the 2022 provincial election with a healthy and potentially widening lead over […]
February 25, 2022

Canadians Say COVID is Over for Now but Not Necessarily Forever

Canadians believe it is time for a lull in COVID restrictions, but see a real risk of future waves. These findings are from the latest waves […]
February 16, 2022

Comparing Public Reactions to Truckers Convoy and the Coastal Link Protest Show Surface Similarities but Deep Underlying Differences

Canadians view protests through strongly partisan lenses. In March 2020, INNOVATIVE asked 1,200 Canadians how they felt about the protests held across Canada against a natural […]
February 16, 2022

Opposition and Attention Increase as More Canadians are Paying Attention to the “Trucker” Protest

Polling last weekend shows opposition and attention to the protests continuing to increase as the demonstrations escalated into their third week. These findings are from the […]