Public Affairs Research

What does the public think and feel about the issues of the day?

Every week, INNOVATIVE researchers explore basic public opinion questions:

  • What are the key issues the public is talking about?
  • How are they reacting to breaking issues?
  • What are the public’s expectations of government?

INNOVATIVE consultants come both from the practical world of campaigns and issues management and the academic world of political science. Combining our experience managing campaigns and issues across Canada with latest insights from the academic world gives us an edge. That’s how we help our clients understand what the public really thinks about an issue, and how they are likely to react when new information is presented, or passions are inflamed.

Latest Articles on Public Affairs & Opinion Research:

July 28, 2011

Battle of the Sexes

Macleans | INNOVATIVE Poll A recent poll for Maclean’s magazine, conducted by Innovative Research Group, shows that men and women are surprisingly similar when it comes […]
July 28, 2011

Vimy Ridge 2007 Survey

Dominion Institute | INNOVATIVE Poll As Canada marks the 90th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, a new Dominion Institute poll conducted by Innovative Research […]
July 28, 2011

Environment and Electricity Survey

Ontario Energy Association | INNOVATIVE Poll We know the environment is a big issue. But are people willing to bite the bullet and pay more to […]
July 28, 2011

PMO – Press Gallery Dispute

The Hill Times | INNOVATIVE Poll While the dispute between the PMO and the Press Gallery is very much an ‘inside the beltway’ issue, among Canadians […]
July 28, 2011

Canada Day Poll: The Happiest Canadian

Macleans | INNOVATIVE Poll Look in the mirror, fellow Canadians. Wink. Give a little wave. Blow a kiss. Odds are you like what you see. Oh, […]
July 28, 2011

Some 75% say Tories should drop the ‘Canada’s New Government’ title: poll

The Hill Times |INNOVATIVE Poll Innovative Research Group poll also found 56% think the PM is a micro-manager and 26% like his take-charge style.  The Harper […]
July 28, 2011

Harper’s Cabinet shuffle plays well in Quebec, says new poll

The Hill Times |INNOVATIVE Poll Of all the moves, Chuck Strahl’s jump into indian and northern affairs is seen least favourably by the public. The Conservatives […]
July 28, 2011

Vancouver city strike tracking

INNOVATIVE Poll Innovative Research Group has followed public opinion during the long, smelly summer labour dispute in Vancouver. Over the course of five weeks of tracking, […]

Latest Articles on Public Affairs & Opinion Research:

July 28, 2011

Battle of the Sexes

Macleans | INNOVATIVE Poll A recent poll for Maclean’s magazine, conducted by Innovative Research Group, shows that men and women are surprisingly similar when it comes […]
July 28, 2011

Vimy Ridge 2007 Survey

Dominion Institute | INNOVATIVE Poll As Canada marks the 90th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, a new Dominion Institute poll conducted by Innovative Research […]
July 28, 2011

Environment and Electricity Survey

Ontario Energy Association | INNOVATIVE Poll We know the environment is a big issue. But are people willing to bite the bullet and pay more to […]
July 28, 2011

PMO – Press Gallery Dispute

The Hill Times | INNOVATIVE Poll While the dispute between the PMO and the Press Gallery is very much an ‘inside the beltway’ issue, among Canadians […]
July 28, 2011

Canada Day Poll: The Happiest Canadian

Macleans | INNOVATIVE Poll Look in the mirror, fellow Canadians. Wink. Give a little wave. Blow a kiss. Odds are you like what you see. Oh, […]
July 28, 2011

Some 75% say Tories should drop the ‘Canada’s New Government’ title: poll

The Hill Times |INNOVATIVE Poll Innovative Research Group poll also found 56% think the PM is a micro-manager and 26% like his take-charge style.  The Harper […]
July 28, 2011

Harper’s Cabinet shuffle plays well in Quebec, says new poll

The Hill Times |INNOVATIVE Poll Of all the moves, Chuck Strahl’s jump into indian and northern affairs is seen least favourably by the public. The Conservatives […]
July 28, 2011

Vancouver city strike tracking

INNOVATIVE Poll Innovative Research Group has followed public opinion during the long, smelly summer labour dispute in Vancouver. Over the course of five weeks of tracking, […]