Public Affairs Research

What does the public think and feel about the issues of the day?

Every week, INNOVATIVE researchers explore basic public opinion questions:

  • What are the key issues the public is talking about?
  • How are they reacting to breaking issues?
  • What are the public’s expectations of government?

INNOVATIVE consultants come both from the practical world of campaigns and issues management and the academic world of political science. Combining our experience managing campaigns and issues across Canada with latest insights from the academic world gives us an edge. That’s how we help our clients understand what the public really thinks about an issue, and how they are likely to react when new information is presented, or passions are inflamed.

Latest Articles on Public Affairs & Opinion Research:

May 15, 2013

Pollsters data showed narrowing NDP lead, but failed to predict Liberal victory

Vancouver Sun “I think that answer really is the story of tonight,” Lyle said late Tuesday. “It’s not that they forgave the Liberals for everything, it’s […]
May 15, 2013

Ontario NDP is losing support amid budget talks, new polls suggest

The Globe and Mail A new survey provided to The Globe and Mail by Innovative Research Group, conducted in the week after the budget was tabled […]
May 15, 2013

For Pollsters, an Alberta-sized Mess

The Tyee Pollster Greg Lyle, managing director of the Innovative Research Group, said online polling — used by Ipsos and Angus Reid, B.C.’s two best-known pollsters […]
May 15, 2013

Voter turnout a concern

North Shore News Older people are more likely to see voting as a duty, while younger people see it as a choice, said Greg Lyle, a […]
May 13, 2013

Parties calculate strategy to appeal to the widest range of potential supporters

The Globe and Mail “In terms of the policy debate, it is inches instead of yards,” observed pollster and political strategist Greg Lyle, a former B.C. […]
May 1, 2013

Looming debate puts pressure on Clark and Dix to connect with voters

The Globe and Mail “The Liberals every day need to get blood out of the NDP,” said pollster Greg Lyle, who was campaign manager for former […]
May 1, 2013

The B.C. Liberals’ fight to unite the centre-right

The Globe and Mail Pollster Greg Lyle, a former B.C. Liberal strategist, said the change in Liberal leadership was a real opportunity to pull the coalition […]
May 1, 2013

Kathleen Wynne puts Liberals in dead heat with NDP, Tories

The Star “One thing Dalton McGuinty did very effectively when he left is he took the anger with him,” Greg Lyle, managing director of Innovative Research […]

Latest Articles on Public Affairs & Opinion Research:

May 15, 2013

Pollsters data showed narrowing NDP lead, but failed to predict Liberal victory

Vancouver Sun “I think that answer really is the story of tonight,” Lyle said late Tuesday. “It’s not that they forgave the Liberals for everything, it’s […]
May 15, 2013

Ontario NDP is losing support amid budget talks, new polls suggest

The Globe and Mail A new survey provided to The Globe and Mail by Innovative Research Group, conducted in the week after the budget was tabled […]
May 15, 2013

For Pollsters, an Alberta-sized Mess

The Tyee Pollster Greg Lyle, managing director of the Innovative Research Group, said online polling — used by Ipsos and Angus Reid, B.C.’s two best-known pollsters […]
May 15, 2013

Voter turnout a concern

North Shore News Older people are more likely to see voting as a duty, while younger people see it as a choice, said Greg Lyle, a […]
May 13, 2013

Parties calculate strategy to appeal to the widest range of potential supporters

The Globe and Mail “In terms of the policy debate, it is inches instead of yards,” observed pollster and political strategist Greg Lyle, a former B.C. […]
May 1, 2013

Looming debate puts pressure on Clark and Dix to connect with voters

The Globe and Mail “The Liberals every day need to get blood out of the NDP,” said pollster Greg Lyle, who was campaign manager for former […]
May 1, 2013

The B.C. Liberals’ fight to unite the centre-right

The Globe and Mail Pollster Greg Lyle, a former B.C. Liberal strategist, said the change in Liberal leadership was a real opportunity to pull the coalition […]
May 1, 2013

Kathleen Wynne puts Liberals in dead heat with NDP, Tories

The Star “One thing Dalton McGuinty did very effectively when he left is he took the anger with him,” Greg Lyle, managing director of Innovative Research […]