INNOVATIVE’s core expertise is understanding how public opinion forms and changes.

Brands & Marketing Research
Every brand has a unique DNA. Whether a new brand, a brand refresh, or a new campaign, we bring fresh eyes and an innovative set of quantitative and qualitative approaches.
- Brand Development
- Market Positioning
- Usage & Attitude Studies
- Customer Experience Research
- Transactional Research
- Brand Health Tracking
- User Experience (UX) Testing
- Advertising Research

Public Affairs & Opinion Research
We help our clients understand what the public really thinks about an issue, and how they are likely to react when new information is presented, or passions are inflamed.
- Public Policy Research
- Public Consultations
- Program Evaluations
- Public Sector Brands
- Social Marketing
- Issue Management

Corporate Affairs & Communications Research
How do people feel about your organization and what can you do about it? Using the right mix of qualitative and survey research, we help clients develop impactful communication strategies to engage the audiences that matter most.
- Corporate Reputation Benchmarking
- Communications Strategy
- Ad Evaluation (from concept development to testing)
- Ad and Communications Tracking
- Issue and Crisis Management Counsel
- Siting Research

Stakeholder & Public Consultations
Engaging busy people in meaningful consultation on topics that are important, but not of everyday interest, is a tough challenge. INNOVATIVE has a proven track record of creating representative consultations that generate wide engagement and actionable results.
- Public and Customer Engagement Design
- Scorecard Design
- Consultation Workbook Development and Testing
- Regulatory and Business Planning Counsel
- Customer Engagement Activities (such as workshops, discussion groups and online workbooks)
Tools We Use
Quantitative Research
- Live Caller
- Telephone Surveys
- Online and Mobile Surveys
- Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR)
- Intercept Surveys
- Interactive Online Workbooks
Qualitative Research
- Focus Groups
- In-depth Interviews
- Customer Advisory Panels
- Workshop facilitation
- Asynchronous Studies
- Multi-lingual Qualitative Research
Modelling & Intelligence
- Content Strategy
- Expert Witness & Legal Testimony
- Performance Benchmarking
- GIS Platforms
- Dashboards
Omnibus and Syndicated Research
- Canada This Month
- Ontario This Month